34 definitions by grace

The devil himself.
Keaton once said, "I don't believe in God, but I'm afraid of him."

Well I believe in God, and the only thing that scares me is Keyser Söze
by grace April 19, 2004
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how grace is now that richard forgave her... sigh....
im giddy...haha and im not a sex fein
by grace July 22, 2004
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A combination of Guessing and Estimating you find the guesstimate by:
1. Guess
2. Estimate
3. Find the difference between the two.
4. Add them up
5. Divide by two
6. Plus 17
7. Subtract two
YAY! I solved the problem by using the Guesstimate Strategy!
by grace October 9, 2003
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Squiglet jumped up with joy after she recieved a good grade on her report card.
by grace January 23, 2004
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Beautiful women who work at Deloitte (see Deloitte). Shortened version of the phrase "hot mama". Must be used very selectively.
Check out Sheila and Grace, those Deloitte ha-ma's.
by grace April 1, 2005
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a moment of climax in a real life situation, or something interesting or great that happened
"man, that night was such a cusp!"
by grace April 19, 2005
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A sarcastic exclamation implying that someone else's trials are trivial.
"I can't open this jar of avacados!" whined Chris.
"Oh, der!" Grace brutally replied.
by grace February 9, 2005
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