35 definitions by galcoolest

n. a person who has become a homeowner, especially in a suburban area.
No foolin, bro, Jamal dun git tha mo-gige 'leeve it or na- an he's a dam swingsetter fo ree ow by sevenny fi, kickin hows, too, bro.
by galcoolest March 13, 2005
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v. when a female PRETENDS to be completely touched, upset, hurt or saddened by some event or another person's words or actions, and either fakes crying or manages to produce real tears, solely in order to impress, guilt trip, manipulate, or punish/pay back another other person.
May be a tactic during mushy movies to get attention, but most often a female tissue times to win disputes, inflict emotional distress through guilt, or for material gain (to get an item she wants).

n. the incident during which the female has the manufactured crying jag.
Illeana dun tissued timed Ferdy all dang nite fo he 'pologized bout blowin big green fo Slim's Caddie, an dun swear he still be fixin to git her da fur.
by galcoolest March 1, 2005
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v. working hard at anything requiring concentration, especially something you hate or have very little knowledge about
Yeah, Terence be bustinbrains on that friggin his'try 'signment t'nite.
by galcoolest June 24, 2005
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I don't care what you call it, my Ricky's starting to really think he's got some close friends like that.
by galcoolest July 31, 2005
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v. Looking for a place to stay overnight or for a few a days. syn. couch surfing, seeking a mattress match.
Ya'll gotta word up fo Slim, he be wit zip comfie fo 2 now, an hella doordrummin' hees ass wit nuttin shakin' on down, po bro....
by galcoolest March 11, 2005
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Syn. stumfrazzle

n. One who is caught up so much on any day with stumbizzling that it results in family members' irate complaints and being told to "get off dat puter NOW, ya hear?"
v. to stumbizzle for longer than is normally tolerated by family in one's environment.
adj. stumfrizzled: dreamy, contented, but kind of exhausted state of one who has stumbizzled for a long time without interruption.
Yo, Lenny be stumfrizzled t'nite. He ain't gamin to fly.

Ayisha be po'ed cus Dexxie stumfrizzled on her, yo.

Bro, get on it, bro! Youz be stumfrizzled bad or sumthin'?
by galcoolest February 28, 2005
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Adj. describes a guy who pretends to be the committed boyfriend to a girl solely becuase he knows she loves to cook great, homestyle meals for her man every night.
Var: n. chitlin' chaser
Yo, Zoot, Antwan dun dogs Jamila for choice booty an'jes be chitlin' chasin on Twanika.
by galcoolest February 28, 2005
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