35 definitions by g-man

Slang term that is short for gatorade.
"I'm going to the store. You want anything."

"Get me a watermelon Gaty."
by g-man January 18, 2005
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A shit, usually of full girth. Tendency to bring pain upon exit.
1. "I hate dropping the cosbys at public restrooms"
2. "I drove Bill Cosby and the kids to the museum"
3. "The cosbys are pushing at the gate"
by g-man March 5, 2003
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When something makes you well up inside, and you're on the verge of tears. From the "Coffee Talk" sketches on SNL a few years ago (thank you, Mike Meyers).
"I got a little ferklempt when I saw them kiss and make up"
by g-man January 18, 2004
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1/3 red bull 1/3 vodka 1/3 gatorade
supposed cure-all to a hangover or the cause of hangover
Hangover hurry-ups get you real fucked up. Do not exceed equivalent of 4 red bulls in a night
by g-man December 4, 2004
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A play on the phrase "Fuck Missoula." Used mostly on t-shirts to insult the hippies, yuppies, and yippies from the city of Missoula Montana. Mostly used by the students of Montana State University towards the students the University of Montana.
"The t-shirt place won't make a shirt that says fuck on it. What should we do?"

"Put 'Muck Fissoula' on it."
by g-man January 18, 2005
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Asian person who worships "budda"
association or like using Nigger for a black person
Look at that damn buda head!
by g-man September 29, 2003
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