174 definitions by g

"sup wit the dove-sack gee?"

by g February 22, 2003
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Raming ones cock into the asshole of a female without lubrication or prior warning.
Yo, I was fuckin her doggy-style when I decided to yam her cause she had a nice asshole.
by g October 14, 2004
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A guy who takes it as it comes and is totally cool with everything.
That rogerdodger, man, he doesn't get worked up over anything.
by g August 12, 2003
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the things ya wear when its warm in the summa time
after a day on the beach jake's flippiez were covered in sand.
by g October 27, 2003
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A Person who is totally sad, pathetic, insane and a loser!!!
"You are such a Leeds Fan"
"You F***ing Leeds Fan"
by g December 1, 2004
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A person that pawns at many things. Often associated with multicultured beasts.
-that dude's mad g-lo, yo.
-damstraiht homy
by g October 29, 2004
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DJ - one who selects the tunes. normally used in ragga, drum n bass and garage
Hold tight Shy rinse out the mix seleeeeeeeeectaaa!
by g June 9, 2003
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