43 definitions by friend of bob

Attention all preps, attention all preps. Humans (a very interesting species of life capable of intellect, unlike the zombie-like preppies)do not like Simple Plan for two reasons: their musical artistry is below average at best and worse, they are popular, indicating the eventual downfall of humanity. You preppies and punk/skater posers need to understand that MTV is taking a giant shit on you and you lick it up like ice cream. Its quite disturbing to see other quasi-life forms indulge themselves in what is essentially raw sewage. But then again, its a bit amusing...
Simple Plan maintains a complex thought process behind their songs: play simple-minded music and simple-minded beings will buy it, i.e. preppies.
by friend of bob May 15, 2004
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Like many things, this phrase was once pure and clear. The term has now degenerated into an overwhelmingly broad range of actions often determined by zealous feminists to be an inappropriate sexual advance.
Me: Hi there, Sarah.
Sarah: Excuse me?! Who the hell do you think you are?!
Me: Uh....
Sarah: I'll see you in court, buddy!
by friend of bob June 15, 2004
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British counterpart of the U.S. slang shady
I find it a wee-bit dodgy
by friend of bob May 18, 2004
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French woman existing during the late Medieval era with purported abilities to articulate holy messages and warfare manuevers via liaison with a spiritual entity heavily favoring France at this particular time. Contemporary theories maintain Joan as shizoprenic.
I wonder if Joan of Arc was hot.
by friend of bob July 17, 2004
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A nationwide supermarket chain generally distinguished for their lower-income clientele and ridiculous amounts of shopping carts scattered haphazardly across the parking lot, as if the cart-pushers are paid to loaf around.
Once upon a time, I was retarded, and decided upon heading to Wal-Mart's for the exclusive reason of attaining some pussy. I was more than sadly disappointed.
by friend of bob July 17, 2004
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A website that has magically replaced many hours of my life that would have otherwise spent chain-smoking with laughter and the occasional moment of insight. Had it not been for this website, I probably would have no idea what pikeys are really like, other than what I have seen in the movie Snatch. Urbandictionary.com kicks ass.
Before I found urbandictionary.com, I was a complete loser. Now.........yeah...
by friend of bob May 18, 2004
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A cycle in which one smokes a cigarette and then lights up another as soon as the first one is finished. The only limit is how many cigarettes you have on hand.
You can usually find me chain smoking when I'm utterly stoned or drunk (or both), terribly bored, or just in that mood to smoke.
by friend of bob June 15, 2004
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