11 definitions by fortnite noob

Hot Guy who like MEN.
Dude, what are you doing, you're such an Akaldeep.
by fortnite noob May 10, 2022
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Absolute gay retard known for flirting around with girls with a small cock often the dumbest on any friendship group. An african male who commonly climbs trees as all other black african males
Say hi to tayanda
by fortnite noob November 14, 2022
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Absolute gay retard known for flirting around with girls with a small cock often the dumbest on any friendship group. An african male who commonly climbs trees as all other african males
Say hi to tayanda
by fortnite noob November 14, 2022
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When you are bored and you think you found something original.
hgjfkdlspaozixucyvtbrnemw,q is not original
by fortnite noob May 24, 2022
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Messi is a goat
when everyone says sui they are technically saying ronaldo is shit at football and Messi is the goat
by fortnite noob November 14, 2022
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an awesome drink made by my amazing cousin and one of his friends. you should try it now
by fortnite noob November 14, 2022
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