17 definitions by fine_dine_decca

although it is often mistaken for an official award, it is merely an expression used to denote just how faggy someone is.
'Gosh, that banno sure takes home the fag trophy.'
'You're telling me, could that skirt BE any shorter?'
'Well, physically, it could. But I see what you're getting at.'
by fine_dine_decca August 3, 2009
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a cat whose job it is to CATch rats.

often used when mousetraps would be inconvenient because you could step on then or if somebody lieks cats as a pet.
'Hey Jake, so why are we here on this sunny day at such an indoor pet shop?'
'Well Joseph, I'm here to get me a ratcat.'
'Ratcat? Sorry Jake, i'm unfamiliar with the phrase.'
'Then go look it up on urbandictionary, i don't have time to explain for I'm busy buying a ratcat.'
by fine_dine_decca August 1, 2009
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when a goth is startled, shocked, enthused etc. by something or other
'Metallica exists'
by fine_dine_decca September 7, 2009
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