9 definitions by er

Eric was suffering from winner fatigue so he let that bitch ass Gabriel win.
by er July 17, 2017
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The sound Zach Snyder makes because of his tourettes
er er er salalalala er er pene er
by er December 20, 2004
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a god with super-human appearances, damn sexy and amazing at like, everythin, kicks muchos ass, true.
i wish i was a BeNnO
by er August 26, 2003
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Everyone wants to be like Sazzyrox because she is so perfect.
by er November 9, 2003
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A ball-breaker.
Don't date that lady, because she is a man-hating FemiNAZI bitch who killed all four of her husbands.
by er August 3, 2003
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some food the campo water polo team made up relating to penis, pasta and parsa
by er December 17, 2004
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Most Creed songs, especially "With Arms Wide Open"
Man, that "With Arms Wide Open" is one gay-ass song.
by er July 15, 2003
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