112 definitions by eddy

david raymond miller is the American born mayor of toronto, the biggest city in Canada. He's known to be a hypocrite for efforts to slash police funding while campaigning on a law and order platform. His communist hoplophobic views are apparent in his repeated calls for handgun bans. His insanity prevents him from realizing that previous repeated banning of inanimate objects fail to prevent them from being used by criminals.
If david miller thinks banning handguns will prevent criminals from using them, he must believe there is no narcotics problem in toronto. Narcotics have been banned for decades, yet criminals traffic them like they were going out of style.

david miller claims half of all guns used in toronto crimes originated from the US, but can't provide proof of this claim. Police admit they can't trace the origins of 60% of these guns. Does david's insanity come with clairvoyance?
by eddy January 16, 2008
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The loonie left wing of the U.S. politics. They like to come up with feel good do nothing policies and hock them on the population like they were doing them a favor.
Don't vote for Hillary! She's one of those DUMocrats!
by eddy March 20, 2007
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A reference to how the Spice "Girls" aren't girls anymore and some are Cougars!
Those aren't the Spice Girls, they're too old to be girls and should be called the Spice Cougars!
by eddy December 3, 2007
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The mortal enemy of anarchists. They must fight it at all costs.
Oh great. The fascists are back. Anyone willing to take them on?
by eddy December 23, 2003
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Cartoon Network's orginal cartoons, usually highly over-played
Dexter's Lab is a Cartoon Cartoon that is on way too much
by eddy October 19, 2003
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