5 definitions by dreadlordhg

Surprise Me

Something you say when you aren't sure of what to type, usually with hilarious and bogus results.
Hmm... I'm not sure of what to type... Guess I'll just type "in surprise me!"
by dreadlordhg November 30, 2016
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A person who is unneeded in this world and is utterly useless. Also see satire
You are the biggest pile of dung infested fat in this known universe. In fact, not even God can comprehend you. He didn't even create you, nor did satan or any of his Angels. The same applies to gods Angels. Nobody is sure why the fuck you are here. Perhaps everything absolutely abysmal (that not even fucking words can describe) came together and hate-fucked each other. When you die, I will personally visit you're grave and piss all over that "sacred" dirt that you lay under under. You should fucking burn and be erased from existence. Just leave I don't want you, the universe doesn't want you, and God doesn't love you.
by dreadlordhg November 30, 2016
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A suffix and prefix used on words that are vulgar in one way or another.
That guy was such a douchetrump

This is a peace of trump

I had a trump crap
by dreadlordhg November 30, 2016
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A magical mystery. It's not a pine; nor an apple! So what the heck is it?

A way off naming something that makes not sense so you call it a pineapple.
A anti vegetable thing that you can eat. It taste like shit.
Guy 1: Wtf is a pineapple
Guy 2: no idea
by dreadlordhg October 20, 2016
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The most wonderful feeling in the whole universe. Scientists say that love is "caused by a drive that is far below emotion" and it is simply a "micro-moment of positivity resonance" that is not a special feeling and is not a part of soul, but no matter what they say, love IS more. science is not needed to explain such beauty. Thank you.
Boy: I've been waiting a long time to say this...
Girl: what is it?!?!
Boy: i- i think i love you...
Girl: *Her eyes light up with joy* i love you too...
fireworks set off as they have their first kiss
by dreadlordhg August 27, 2016
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