23 definitions by domonic

The perfect timing needed to excel in any motion-sensing game for the Wii.
In order to win at Wii Tennis, you need to have good wiiflexes, or else you will mishit the ball.
by domonic January 23, 2009
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An acronym, that is conveniently pronounced. It stands for The-Ugliest-Girl-I've-Ever-Seen. My personal TUGIES was discovered in the Spring of 2006 at Tualatin High.
(True Story) Bobby, that's the girl that I was telling you about! It's T.U.G.I.E.S.! (Bobby vomits in his mouth and swallows it)
by domonic October 1, 2007
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The theory that states (or implies) that college girls say that their "perfect man" is nice, and treats them like a woman; however, all college girls actually enjoy being mistreated in every way except for being cheated on (secretly, every human knows that women crave attention, whether or not they show it or not).
Jon: What the hell, man? I've always been nice to Erica, and she knows I like her. I even bought her earrings with her chocolate and roses for Valentine's day. But she never really acknowledged me...until recently. I've just been ignoring her and not paying attention to her. Now she texts me just to say hi.

Brian: Yea, it's the college girl theory in full effect. She misses the attention, and is now more attracted to you than ever.
by domonic February 19, 2009
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Any reflex that girls have (much more common with spazzes), in which they let out a high-pitched scream, jump back unnecessarily, hit someone/something, etc. In all cases, it is just an overreaction to something simple.
"Hey, did you see me scare Brittany over there?"

"Yea, but her sheflexes reacted, and she kicked you in the balls."
by domonic April 9, 2008
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A person who is, during the day, a man; however, by night, this person actually roams the street corners turning tricks. Unfortunately, he doesn't make too much money, because once the John finds out that his trick has a penis, the mansformer is ejected from the car...in most cases.
Joe: Okay, man. You can't tell anybody about this...

Bob: Okay...what?

Joe: So, uh, last night, I was on Burnside, and I picked up this chick...

Bob: Sweet man, how was she?

Joe: She had a dick bigger than mine...

Bob: What the fuck? I hope you kick his ass!

Joe: Well, this is the part that you can't tell anyone about...

Bob: You fucked a mansformer...faggot.
by domonic November 16, 2008
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A gas station that is on a highway, where there is no other gas station in the area; the prices are much higher than a common gas station, so you would have to be desperate and low on gas to even consider getting gas from there.
A)Wow, did you see that gas station? The gas was $7.00/gal.

B)Yea, it was just a desperation station, because the next gas station is 30 miles away.
by domonic July 11, 2008
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The verb form of segway.
I see a man Schweg everyday to get to the bus stop, where he then commutes via public transit to work at Intel.
by domonic March 16, 2009
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