10 definitions by dfg

chores of a slave ; Antonym of the word fun
"Man a job aint nuthin but WORK!"
by dfg January 14, 2003
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some one with very foul breath
she has a fart mouth, yeck!
by dfg January 4, 2004
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A mischievous male moron; a person who "just dont get it"; someone who thinks people are laughing WITH them.
"oh, that's just the guy from 'American Idol. HE is suck a fun boy."
by dfg January 14, 2003
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Confused and/or tired of thinking about stuff because one is too lazy
yes I am COMB-BUZZLED about this swhole thing, now I am going on lunch break.
by dfg April 23, 2003
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a dumb elf, as coined in the movie "Elf"
"i'm nothing but a cottonheaded ninnymuggins"
by dfg January 6, 2004
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To COMPLETELY dominate somthing or someone
I totally guffed you up
by dfg January 14, 2003
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