36 definitions by devon

What one says when you aren't sure what to say after some good news has been given.
Boy- Guess what, I just dumped my old girlfriend so I can go out with you now!
by devon November 16, 2003
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1)a sweet but frozen dairy product
2)a p*ssy
1)Do they sell ice cream at CVS?
2)Taste my ice cream.
by devon December 3, 2003
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Not being able to do anything because you always with a girl and you think that you are goin to get pussy
Henry, you so whipped you will never get to fuck Katie
by devon March 16, 2004
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Margeurite is the coolest person ever who goes to Pingry and likes llamas. She also enjoys rock music and long walks on the beach.
Hey it's Margeurite! Lets have a fiesta!
by devon February 16, 2005
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an idiot. immortalized by the famous mckenzie brothers when they were hosed.
"o geez, dimtwit, way to go and do that!"
by devon September 1, 2004
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A half burned, but still good extinguished cigarette, found in an ash tray or on the ground.
Man, your work is a killer place for snipes!
by devon August 18, 2004
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A place where they give free bag pipe lessons.
Hey lad, I'm goin to Pingry now, they give me free bag pipe lessons.
by devon February 16, 2005
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