975 definitions by deep blue 2012

The penis Estecially when you have a hard on. Also the hard you have on.
John's got such a big bar.

She's really hot. I'm getting a bar.
by deep blue 2012 May 15, 2010
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Where the united states forces it's culture on other contries.Most other contries have a backward culture.For example in the middle east in some contries they will chop off your hand for even stealing a loaf of bread and in africa where they cut up women's pussies and call it female circumcision.
by deep blue 2012 November 10, 2009
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A term for the world as it is now that people use when they can't find anything else to describe just how most of the people in the world are so ass stupid and how stupid it is as a whole and just how fucked up it is. Anyone who has had any experence with the world knows it is a perfect discription and if they don't know it they don't know Jack squat.
by deep blue 2012 June 29, 2010
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Beacuse women often live longer then men if a man can live long enough there will be a lot more women in his age group that men. So then he can have his pick of old women. If you like that kind of thing.
This is called old man's pick.
Granpa has old man's pick now.
by deep blue 2012 August 11, 2009
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The flag of the US that has been proposed for the united states by theamerican communist movement when it becomes communist. And it is also the flag of the american communist movement. It is in effect the US flag with a hammer and sickle supperimposed on it.The hammer and sickle stands for the american workers.
by deep blue 2012 May 2, 2010
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A type of music that is a mixture of Gothic music
and Death rock.
Do you like Gothic death?
by deep blue 2012 October 28, 2009
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