32 definitions by david smith, jr.

When it's not ran by the government, it's called a Ponzi scheme. When it is ran by the government, it's called Social Security.
Social Security should be abolished, not privatized.
by david smith, jr. July 4, 2009
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Favre, his fans, and the media can eat their shit now.

Aaron Rodgers: 341/536 (63.6%), 4,308 yards (7.53 yards), longest 71, 28 touchdowns, 13 interceptions, sacked 34 times, 93.8 passer rating.

Notes: The Packers defense was terrible this year, their o-line not performing well, Ryan Grant struggled, and Greg Jennings/Donald Driver are nowhere near as good as Laveranues Coles and Jerricho Cotchery.

Brett Favre: 343/522 (65.7%), 3,472 (6.65 yards), longest 56, 22 touchdowns, 22 interceptions, sacked 30 times, 81 passer rating.

Notes: Granted Favre had a better completion percentage, his total and average passing yards is noticeably lower than Rodgers (and Favre had a better wide receivers unit). Favre had less touchdowns than Rodgers and more interceptions.

Packers Nation, stop blaming Rodgers for the poor season. If the Packers improve their defense in the offseason, they're going to be the team to watch out for.
Aaron Rodgers > Brett Favre
by david smith, jr. February 5, 2009
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A murderer and gang leader that only acted like he was "reformed" just so he could escape the punishment he deserved.

Fuck Tookie.
by david smith, jr. May 17, 2008
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An economic policy that is mostly hated by white, middle class teenagers who don't want to work.
Get a job and stop bitching about capitalism.
by david smith, jr. July 11, 2008
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The Founding Fathers told us to follow NONINTERVENTION you fucking idiot.
"Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations — entangling alliances with none." -Thomas Jefferson

The Founding Fathers followed noninterventionism, not isolationism.
by david smith, jr. March 26, 2008
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On behalf of all Americans I wish to apologize for the 1953 coup d'état of Mohammad Mossadeq and replacing his fairly elected administration with the hated Shah that ruled with an iron fist because Mossadeq simply nationalized his nation's oil.
If the 1953 Iran coup never happened, Iran wouldn't be a mess.
by david smith, jr. May 11, 2008
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Terrible videogame company. If they didn't buy out all of their competition, they would of been out of business years ago due to their terrible games and that their alternatives always outdo them. Graphics are decent (just that), but the gameplay is completely broken. It's almost impossible to blow out the CPU because of blatant rubberbanding. I remember when playing NBA Live 05, I was destroying their golden boys the Spurs with the Jazz (who were shitty in that game). But in the 4th quarter, the Spurs were nailing shots even with 3 guys around them, while I missed all my shots (including SLAM DUNKS) even if I was wide open. Tim Duncan gets a basket from half-court with 1 second remaining. How many times do you see that in real life? Simulating games is utterly useless. Everytime I've simulated against the Spurs/Pistons, they always either blow out my team or conveniently outscores my team by 20+ in the 4th quarter.

EA, just because you're monopoly does not mean you're free from criticisms from angry customers such as myself. Until you actually focus on the gameplay (it is a VIDEOGAME after all) instead of graphics (which aren't even that good anyway) we, the customers, will refuse to purchase any of your shitty products (that's the same every year except for roster updates. Why not just give out roster updates via Xbox Live/PlayStation Network for free? Oh yeah, you're greedy monopolists) and buy products from alternative companies such as 2K Interactive who actually care about their customers by FOCUSING ON THE GAMEPLAY. You have to earn our money by putting EFFORT into your games.
Hope that exposes EA Sports.
by david smith, jr. June 18, 2008
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