9 definitions by colourful bird Oioi

When someone is stressed,scared,worried and they start showing signs of stress
"He thought his parents were going to find out so he was being dead skitsy"
by colourful bird Oioi September 24, 2016
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It's just a vulgar meaning of the action of sex - sausage ( penis ) donut ( vagina )
Oliver : so what yous doing tonight
Ron : sausage in the donut if you know what I mean
by colourful bird Oioi September 24, 2016
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A sophisticated way of saying that your having a fat party.

Very useful when lying to your parents.
Mum : So what are you doing tonight whilst we are away?

Son : Just having a few friends round

Mum : How many exactly???!!!
Son : A soirée of twenty

Mum : Okay darling x
by colourful bird Oioi November 14, 2019
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Taity is a slang word for "tait" which pretty much means cheerful, gay etc.
But people mostly use it now to say I look wierd there
Molly : "look at this really nice picture of us"
Alex : "no delete that I look like a proper taity"
by colourful bird Oioi September 24, 2016
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pretty much someone who's scared to do sexual shit
Sam : "she won't even kiss me"
Ben : "aye cause she's proper frigid"
by colourful bird Oioi September 24, 2016
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Cushty - Means good,fine,alright etc
Belta - Means great,excellent,sick etc
So together it means like yeah that's good that's great
Tom : bro I'm so sorry
Alex : Na mate it's cushty belta
by colourful bird Oioi September 25, 2016
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Is when a black person allows a white person to say nigga without it being told to be racist
J : hey my nigga
K : bro that's racist !
J : nah jay gave me a n card

K : Ar right
by colourful bird Oioi September 25, 2016
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