8 definitions by cardinal

Short for quakeworld clan arena. The mod for qw that 04nz 3w3.
Dude, LS owns your shit in qwca, nub.
by cardinal March 16, 2004
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This stands for Outlaw Biker. An Outlaw Biker is the type of guy the girl of your dreams goes and fucks because you're too much of a pussy to take control of your "relationship" with her. Most of the time he is either unemployed, has a substance abuse problem, or has callous "dating" habits. A combination is certainly possible, too. Commonly used to conjunction with "IW" or "intellectual whore" which is exactly what you are if your dream girl fucks OBs then cries to you about it.
Last night I told Jane that I loved her and I'd do anythng for her. She said "let's just be friends" then went home and fucked an OB she met at the bar. She called me up later to cry about it, and I listened to her because I'm a nice guy/IW.
by cardinal November 5, 2007
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The stink that gets stuck all over your dink after you poke some dirty broad.
Your roommate: "Man, what's that God-awful stench?"

You: "Sorry dude, I need to wash off this stinkdink. I banged that dirty broad from apartment 6C last night."
by cardinal March 26, 2004
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The hairy, woodland beast that went after Tenacious D YEARS before the Beastie Boys hijacked the idea and used it in their Triple Trouble video.
Tango: "Hey did you see sasquatch in the new beastie video?"

Cash: "No, but I saw the same damned thing back when clinton was President, when the D did it."

Tango: "Tru."
by cardinal September 16, 2004
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The mystery entity downtrodden scumbags blame for multiple generations of failure.
Beggar: "Hey buddy, can you spare a dolla? The man been keepin' me down my whole life."

Me: "Hmmm I bet your dad was an unemployed drug addict also."

Beggar: "Hey you some sorta psychic?"
by cardinal April 9, 2004
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awesome purple liquid that brings happiness and well-being to all those that grace their throats with its' glorious fruity lager/cider/jucee goodness
Two 4-pint jugs of your finest snakey please, oh barkeeper of the Thirsty Camel, Exeter
by cardinal July 28, 2003
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