13 definitions by carROT

The lowest of the low....a player with so little skill at a game that they resort to killing other players as they respawn in an effort to score some frags. Generally despised, an insult in itself to anyone who does not indulge in it.
by carROT March 14, 2004
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Adj.: An overwhelming feeling of sadness or disappointment.
I was so buh-doo after she told me the news that her pet died.
by carROT December 20, 2003
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a truly scary but hilarious man who should have been given his own television show the minute his butt hit the floor on the day he was born.

has an unholy love for the constitution
Mr. Whitelock gave me detention because I dropped the social studies book, which contains the constitution
by carROT May 10, 2004
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An awesome band that never signed to Fat Wreck Chords, simply released a CD on their label on a non-contract basis.
AM! rocks, but damn yo their 12 year old fans can be dumb
by carROT June 1, 2004
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basically a phrase instead of "oh my gosh" etc. it's rather fun to say, and it sounds cool. besides, if something astounds you, your head is busy thinking so it makes sense
Oh my head! You have the coolest shoes!
by carROT December 12, 2003
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