28 definitions by captain slappy

A punishment aboard a ship or boat in which the offenders arms are tied to two seperate ropes. He is then thrown off of the ships bow and hauled under the ships keel (bottom) from bow to stern. Ships keels are covered with barnnicals which are sharp ans shred skin. Half the sailors do not survive this punishment due to drowning or loss of blood.
The Ships Bosan's Mate is going to be keel hauled by the Captain for stealin rum.
by captain slappy July 11, 2008
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When someone goes crazy, braking stuff and cursing. Very pissed off, flipped put.
Tyron fround Laquida in bed with Leroy and went totally cracker dog.
by captain slappy July 11, 2008
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The chick at the bar who has been buying you drinks all night actually has a penis.
Man I met this hot ass chick last night at the club, I took her home and found out she was a trouser snake charmer so I had to shank him in the kidney.
by captain slappy July 11, 2008
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One who commits suicide by jumping off of a bridge
I sa another splasher jump of the Dames Point Bridge today.
by captain slappy July 11, 2008
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When your banging a 14 year old and you wipe your dick on her teddybear when you finish.
Like....OMG. when he left all I had was a sticky teddybear.
by captain slappy July 11, 2008
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