21 definitions by c-hat-e

In the advent of Twitter taking over everyday vocabulary. We at the commercial drive company decided to just decide to capitalize on a good thing and create an anti-trend. Hash tag everything. With everybody jumping on the Twitter Trend bandwagon, with hash tagging galore, we decided just to HashTag everything to make it easier to on everybody.
Teacher: Your arguments were good. But the majority of your marks were lost due to not putting hashtags in front of your words.

Student: #fuckthatshit #whereareyour#? #comebeforeAs.

Consistency Tate: #im a musician # watch out

Camichael: #just#thatshit #everything
by c-hat-e February 19, 2012
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Indian-Canadian Nazem Kadri Call Up turned Pro Hockey player for Toronto Maple Leafs averages bout 12.8 WPG due to the heavy East Indian Population rooting for him
by c-hat-e January 24, 2013
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Applauding in sheer astonishment for how fraudulent people who cut you down, cut corners to get where you wanna be, steal who you are, and thieve your identity and dreams. Especially the one's you grew up with your entire life.
After 15 years of my life I have to applaud many of the fake friends I grew up with. So on the last thursday of the supposed rapture, this moment in time I would like to capture. Toast! Can I have a #fraudapplaud please?
by c-hat-e December 21, 2012
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Mild to Severe symptoms of ignorance, hardheadedness, brash, cold, stuck up bitchness who doesn't know how to have a good time during the good times or bad times.

(In Canada) Supporter of kyoto accord and openly supports Stephen Harper with EVERYTHING HE DOES without question.

Jumps on every cultural and fashion bandwagon to blend in and spread her smugness onto (un)suspecting persons.

Severity comes with many factors Nature vs Nurture, High School conditions, where these usually do the best breeding and spore out into the world unstoppably. Exposure to this can cause severe descents into heavy drug use, psychosis, thundersmug, ultimately leading to Undecidedville where no one returns
Tina and her cloud of smugness is fucking up my decision making.

Life skills and ability to take on the day are clouded due to heavy clouds of smug.

I looked at the Weather Network and realised why I can't pleasure my girlfriend as well as I could. 5-day forecast nothing but clouds of smugness from Dan-O's demeanor last weekend.
by c-hat-e January 13, 2012
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Persons of the same or opposite sex or Facebook itself come into a technological binding agreement that confirms marriage.
That ring means nothing until you have updated your status to let your friends know that you have been Married by Facebook.

Yeah, the "wedding" was okay. But, they failed to update their status on Facebook, so naturally I am confused to why they spent so much time money and effort for such an event which I clicked "Yes" on Facebook.

Hey, just got Married by Facebook. Mobile Pics Uploaded
by c-hat-e August 5, 2012
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A man or woman who has maniacally embraced the culture Lulu Lemon expresses.

A lunatic wearing all lulu lemon apparel.

Lulu Lemon Clothing/Culture>Authentic Spiritual Enlightenment
You may not know it. But you are a Lululunatic!

The young man in no name brand sweat suit was ostracized from the Yoga circle for obvious reasons.
by c-hat-e March 4, 2012
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A code name by the FBI meaning The President is having sex leave him the fuck alone.
The inauguration is just one big marathon to get to The Oval Office to take care of real business.
by c-hat-e January 22, 2013
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