38 definitions by bryan gilbreath

Hesitation one may experience before slapping someone such as a loved one or employer.
A: Dude! That was so cool when you backhanded the boss! Too bad you lost your job.

B: Thanks! At first I was a bit 'slaprehensive'. But then I remembered what an ass he is. It was totally worth it!
by bryan gilbreath September 24, 2009
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A 'crawlleague' is a co-worker or colleague whose lack of self-respect and character forces them to spend much of their working life, and their sad, sad social life on their knees.
Employee #1: Wow, that guy seems to be a rising star in your firm. Every time I visit your office he's hanging on your bosses' every word and staring at him with those big doe eyes.

Employee #2: Yeah, my 'crawlleague' is a real tool alright.
by bryan gilbreath February 3, 2012
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The difference of opinion between scientific schools of thought.
A: Well, I'm glad we all finally agree that the beginning of everything hinges soley on the 'Big Bang' theory.
B: Hold on there, Poindexter! I think we have found ourselves in a position of 'science friction'. You see, I subscribe the the time's arrow school of thought.
by bryan gilbreath October 22, 2010
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Please pass me the 'mexchup' for my taco.
by bryan gilbreath October 5, 2010
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The headach one gets from working with someone named Mike.
A: Dude, you look like you're in agony. What's up?
B: I've got a "Mikegrain headache" man. Worst ever. There's a project due next week and he's freaking out like it was due yesterday.
by bryan gilbreath August 28, 2009
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Similar in spirit to 'waste of time','faced of time' refers to the time that one wastes electronically 'socializing' rather than socializing in person.
A: Hey, wanna walk over to the bar and grab a beer? I hear there's a good band playing.

B: (Sitting at computer in underwear, eating ramen) No thanks. I really, really should catch up on my Facebook stuff. Oh wow! Look! Someone sent me a special heart! AND a fuzzy bear! tee-hee.....

A: Uggghhh, you're such a social retard! What a 'faced of time'!
by bryan gilbreath March 2, 2010
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The time that you spend waitingin line for your turn in the bathroom.
Ohhhhh gawd, I really gotta use the bathroom. What is taking her so long in there? I've been out here for, like, an 'eturdity'!
by bryan gilbreath June 24, 2009
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