348 definitions by bread infection

a bowel movement performed by Satan.
I haven’t seen anything so hideous since the jampro of ‘66. You can’t spell pro without jampro….
by bread infection December 1, 2009
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hair that is on your pubes.
Sick, my pubes are growing pubic hair that is fucking puzzling. Don't eat pubic hair.
by bread infection November 17, 2005
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to say "holy potatoes" after you see a U.F.O. fly into a building.
The man had sefesefa'd after he saw a U.F.O.
by bread infection November 23, 2009
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I'd like to stick a rat up Sharon Turner's ass, then sew some cheese to her tonuge and sew her ass shut.
by bread infection December 30, 2005
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1. a thoughtless, ditzy person

2. a carefree, airheaded individual.
Britney Spears is such a lotstein.
by bread infection November 29, 2009
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