20 definitions by blenderhead1991

(n.) the medical name for exploding testicles. It is divided into two types, Acute Regional Gonadotrophic Hernioma (ARGH) the less serious of the two, and the always life-threatening Osteoulcerative Colonic Hernioma (OuCH).The first variety is the most common form of the disease. It is characterized by swelling of one or more testicles and acute pain in the groin region. This is accompanied by insomnia, lethargy, and in some cases, severe flatulence. Although not immediately life threatening, if left untreated the gonads will continue to swell until the patient is forced to continuously squat, eventually, the gonads burst without warning, emitting an audible pop. In the second form of the disease, detonation occurs spontaneously and without warning, which can be far more psychologically traumatic for the patient than it is physically. Even still, the force generated by the rapid pressure release can cause significant injury to the vital organs, resulting in an immediate coma and death. It is estimated that more people are killed each year from Detonating Gonaditus than are killed on the roads.

Both forms of detonating gonaditis are believed to have both genetic and environmental components. If a patient has the disease, then their risk of developing the disease in later life is believed to be close to 100%. Similarly, the risk factor is increased by smoking, drinking, and sex.
I can't believe what happened to Buddy. His balls just exploded! The paramedics said it was another sad case of detonating gonaditis.
by blenderhead1991 September 9, 2010
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(n.) Abbreviated B.O.B.S., is a prolapsed rectum, usually associated with to many objects being inserted into one's rectum or entirely too much anal sex, resulting in a weakening of the sphincter muscles and the last few inches of the sygmoid colon hanging out of the afflicted's anus. A very unfortunate condition, indeed.
I had the unfortunate misfortune to shower with Randy at the gym. I couldn't believe he has Busted Out Butthole Syndrome. I swore it was a tail at first, but, much to my horror, it was the last six inches of his colon. Disgusting!
by blenderhead1991 June 10, 2009
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To jerk off. To masturbate. To stroke one's own cock (usually with much vigor).
Damn, my cock is sore! Since Sara shot me down, I've been pounding the porpoise to an old Hustler. I really need to get me some for-real nookie!
by blenderhead1991 September 7, 2010
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Walking Erectile Tissue. Synonymous withe being a dick.
My brother, Joel is WET. He's like the biggest dick I know.
by blenderhead1991 May 14, 2011
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When a woman you've picked up at a bar (or elsewhere)or at the end of a first date has sex with you and tells you "I never do this," when you are just pretty damn sure she's full of shit.
Nicole took me back to her trailer, got undressed, and commenced telling me the carnal lie. At the time, I really didn't mind.
by blenderhead1991 May 18, 2009
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n.) a truly envious condition, indeed. To have consumed so much alcohol that most of one's motor skills are severely impaired. One in this condition will walk on his or her knees to decrease the distance he or she may fall in the event of a tumble, thus limiting injury, and the commode hugging comes in when the individual prays to regurgitate, thereby alleviating some of the associated nausea. The snot-slinging simply appears to be a side-effect--however when spoken to, a person in this condition will spray a combination of mucus and spit to who ever he or she is conversing with.
Alex drank way too many Tequia Fannybangers and did too many jello shots last night and wound up knee walking commode hugging snot slinging drunk before half the party guests arrived.
by blenderhead1991 May 20, 2009
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1.) A condition known to occur in foul-tempered folks who have poor oral hygiene. usually female. Despite their toothless state, they still are no good at oral sex.

2.) A person who suffers from this malady.
1.) Have you seen that mean bitch, Jennifer? Not only does she have B.O. and a bush up to her bellybutton, but she's ruthless and toothless.

2.) Ruthless and Toothless got suspended from work again. I guess she showed up drunk. You'd think a pregnant woman would have more respect for her fetus.
by blenderhead1991 September 11, 2010
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