5 definitions by big.M1000

Another way of saying "in reality..."
Ben: I was looking at so many cars on instagram, that lambo was peng
Josh: yeah it was
Ben: these times I haven't even got my license yet😂
by big.M1000 June 7, 2017
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Dave: yo how come you didn't come to the party last night?
Navraj: ah I was busy with college work man
Dave: oh fairs
by big.M1000 September 12, 2017
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In rap this word mainly has two meanings:
1. An kilo of drugs (usually cocaine) packaged in a brick shape
2. $10,000 USD
Quavo: “woo, bricks in the brick house”
by big.M1000 June 29, 2020
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Dwayne: Yo you coming to that party tonight?
Simon: oh yeah bro what's the addy?
by big.M1000 June 21, 2017
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When you are threatening someone to fight (often used by people with cockney accents)
Bill: I'll beat you up if u don't shut up
Bon: you what mate? You want some, I'll give it yer
by big.M1000 January 15, 2015
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