4 definitions by bettyjo bioloski

A slang term for a person who uses language like a language art major .
What a dweeb , freaking langwart , thinks he's high and mighty using those big words .
by bettyjo bioloski June 14, 2007
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The most hip - such as 'the highness of hip ' , 'her royal high hipness'
OOooooOOO0 nice , ain't he high hip now , with those new rims .
by bettyjo bioloski June 14, 2007
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A situation , or a person , or a thing , considered ubercool and 'high hip ' - the epitome of cool .
You listen to the downest music , and you wear the downest garb , not to mention that you rock as a person - you're the downest , you're the most - wanna go out?
by bettyjo bioloski June 14, 2007
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Someone who uses the hippest slang , the coolest language . Much like a beatnic who was hip with the downest, coolest music
I'm only catching the gist of what she's saying , but we can look it up in the Urban Dictionary . It sounds cool , what a slangnic .
by bettyjo bioloski June 14, 2007
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