21 definitions by bEATLe_PauL

The record company that produced record for the greatest band ever, The Beatles.
Fuck, parlophone must have made lots of dough on Sgt. Peppers.
by bEATLe_PauL June 3, 2005
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Arguably the greatest rock album ever, it changed music forever. Taking 129 days to record only 13 tracks. Released in June 1967. It won numerous Grammy's that year including album of the year. Paul McCartney wrote most of the songs on the album. The hits include 'Sgt. pepper's lonely hearts club band', 'With a little help from my friends', 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds' or 'A day in the life'. But really all 13 tracks are excellent.
Turn Sgt. Pepper's up!!! I love this wack crap.
by bEATLe_PauL June 2, 2005
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An abbreviation for the popular late 90's early 00's band, Blink 182. The band had hits such as 'Dammit', 'All the Small Things', 'The Rock Show' or 'I'm Feeling This'.
I went to a Blink concert last night, it rocked!!!
by bEATLe_PauL June 3, 2005
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geoffro: my thingamabobby is 12".
by bEATLe_PauL July 4, 2005
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You may go on and call it a great game and simply it is. AFL is such an australian game, I am not much of a player but one die-hard spectator. I am a Carlton supporter and for any americans out there interested in the game i advice a look at the official web site www.afl.com.au, which is packed full of information. The game involves 18 players on each side aiming to simply kick a goal through poles 4-5 metres apart. The game involves the 'kick' of a ball or a 'hand ball' it is very difficult to explain without the watching of the sport. Some of the greats of AFL include 'jack dier', 'ted whitton', 'kevin bartlett', 'dick reynolds' but simply there are way to many to menton. please check out the site www.afl.com.au.
afl is so skilful, i love it
by bEATLe_PauL June 6, 2005
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Considered the greatest pop/rock band ever and i could not agree more. With over one billion sales of records, cds or tapes they shall never be matched. Although when any one thinks of the beatles they think of John Lennon, I think of Paul McCartney he is the best of all four. He wrote the majority of there songs in the later era (1967-70).
Turn up 'i am the walrus', this song rocks!!!
by bEATLe_PauL June 1, 2005
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awesome type of dress code and or vehicle, many old skool clothes are found in rubbish bins or similar op shops.
Holy shit, Ben that tweed jacket is sooooooo old skool.

yo wat up dawg, them lasses is chekin us out and they would look mighty fine in da bak of my old skool caddie!

btw a wadsie said that last one
by bEATLe_PauL June 2, 2005
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