30 definitions by ayyfron

The most obnoxious possible reply to someone who has contacted you, often used in professional settings.
Hi John, thanks for reaching out. I'm quite busy right now on many important projects. Why don't you reach out to me again at this time next year and see if I have a couple of free minutes then. Or, better yet, how about never? Does never work for you?
by ayyfron January 27, 2011
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to cut someone off from the benefits of sexual intercourse (a combination of excommunicate and fornicate)
Dede decided, one more slight about her housekeeping skills and she would exfornicate her husband
by ayyfron April 18, 2011
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Indirect sunlight experienced in the period just before sunset or just after sunrise that has been refracted by the atmosphere into a golden or even an orangish-red color that flatters landscapes and life forms alike and is highly prized by both photographers and painters. It is also the safest light in which to sunbathe.
Manhattan's architecturally inconsistent jumble of high rise office towers and apartment buildings looked like a beautiful, unified whole in glow of the sweet light of a late winter's day.

The Louvre, which often looks imposing amid the Parisian gloom, radiates a refined elegance in the sweet light of the sunset.
by ayyfron November 28, 2009
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To quit work in the publicity seeking manner of former JetBlue flight attendant Steven Slater that leads to possible jail time, book deals and comedy show contracts.

Following an argument Slater cursed out a passenger over the loud speaker, grabbed two beers, opened the emergency exit, slid down the inflatable slide and walked out of Kennedy Airport before being arrested at his home in Far Rockaway, Queens on Monday August 9th.
Mrs. Smith had had enough of her verbally abusive, cokehead boss, took her clothes off, defecated on his desk and ran around the office naked until security came to arrest her. In other words she decided to pull slide.
by ayyfron August 12, 2010
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Shit throwing temper tantrum, which can be had by small children and adults alike.

Also known as an S triple-T an ST cubed.
Larry, pissed at his job, his wife and his life, would erupt into an STTT over the smallest provocation.
by ayyfron December 3, 2009
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When somebody's impressive credentials cause other people to overlook their negative qualities.
I can't believed that he screwed his new girlfriend in my bed. He hadn't even broken up with me.

Really? Everyone wondered what you were doing with such a narcissistic asshole. Plus he was a cokehead. What did you see in him?

Well, we went to a good prep school and to an ivy league business school and worked for a prestigious investment bank on Wall Street. I never imagined that somebody like that could be so insensitive and cruel.

Hon, you are suffering from resume blindness. He's a jerk and an emotional midget. Get over him.
by ayyfron June 30, 2010
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The $20 minimum that one seems to spend each time one leaves one's front door.
John: Hey Joe, it's a beautiful day, why don't we go out and do something?

Joe: Can't. Don't want to pay the door charge.
by ayyfron July 27, 2010
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