19 definitions by aribeth

To change the structural integrity of and object so as to render it incapable of containing mass. This is usually accomplished by a sudden, violent force, such as an explosion, or having the object struck by a hollow-point bullet travelling at extremely high velocities.
We are going out to the firing range to process some watermelons with our 50 calibre rifles.
by aribeth April 1, 2005
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An odiferous gas released by a trouser sneeze.
After the bowl of Chili, Fred's tyrantfog cleared the table.
by aribeth March 29, 2005
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Another word for Thought Crime (read George Orwell's 1984).

One of many control methods used by the Democratic National Party to take away your freedoms, violate your right to free speech, and to impose a totalitarian tyranny.
The day may soon come when Hate Crime will be punsihable by death.
by aribeth April 10, 2005
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A propaganda campaign against Chickenkind that is being waged by an evil herd of Undead Cows.

Their latest strategy involves comandeering every billboard along America's hiways and biways.
Let's invite our PETA buddies over to Chick-fil-a!
by aribeth April 10, 2005
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An incident identical to the Tienamin Square Massacre that occured in Waco Texas, under the leadership of an identical regime.

This was a blatent violation of due process, and posse comitotus, in that a military tank was utilized in the massacre.

Timothy McVeigh unjustly avenged the massacre by lowering himself to the same level as the Clinton Administration by taking out the Federal building in Oklahoma City, and murdering as many innocent people as the Clinton Administration murdered in Waco.
The NRA made a very accurate assessment of Clinton's BATF when they called them "Jack-Booted Thugs", due to the Waco Texas Massacre.
by aribeth April 13, 2005
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The main setting for the game Neverwinter Nights.
The first preseason game of the year is the Neverwinter Knights vs. the Luskan Raiders.
by aribeth April 8, 2005
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