617 definitions by andy

large orcs with darker than usual skin and a stronger than usual dislike of the light, according to Tolkien. When I was a kid, I always used to draw the orcs as green and the uruks as black, but since Peter Jackson made them all brown, you can't tell which ones are orcs and which ones are uruks.
Which ones are uruks? I think that one over there might be. Oh hang on, that's a troll, isn't it? Damn it, you can't tell which are which!
by andy April 18, 2004
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Grr Fuck Face that hurt!
Get off my Koolaid Grr!
by andy February 18, 2004
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flec is the nickname given to a person you aspire to be, someone you look up to, respect. It is a postition of power in a social situation.
flec is the man
i wanna be like flec
i'm flec
he's flec
by andy January 14, 2004
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Someone who supports the police. For instance, a politician who passes laws demanded by the police and thereby destroys civil liberties, and anti-"crime" bigots who go along with any repressive proposal which has even minimal porcine endorsement.

Also someone who literally sleeps with, or who enjoys close personal relations with police officers.
George W Bush and Bill Clinton are a pair of pigfuckers.

People who support ID cards are all pigfuckers.
by andy April 22, 2004
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Short for Trotskyist. Usually but not always an offensive term, used by opponents of Trotskyism of both left and right persuasions (usually as a descriptive noun, "the trots").

In some settings, such as the National Union of Students, the insult is so pervasive that anyone to the left of Hitler is liable to be labelled a "trot" at one point or another, because the NUS right-wing associate any challenge to their rule with a conspiracy allegedly initiated by a long-defunct Trotskyist group called Socialist Organiser.

The term also crops up sometimes in anarchist and ecological attacks on Trotskyists. It is also occasionally used by Trotskyists themselves, apparently as a "reclaimed" term, only heard within the Trotskyist in-group, although this is contentious and some reject the term completely.

Its derogatory implications probably come from its associations with the trots in its other sense.
Vote for this right-wing motion - don't listen to all the student trots!

The trots are trying to take over this campaign group
by andy April 19, 2004
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A jokes that isnt funny at all.

That was such a brick.
by andy September 18, 2003
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An award given annually to a person who exemplifies a humungous amount of Faggotry. This year awarded to Avi DuBois.
by andy November 26, 2003
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