35 definitions by alex14

the thing you will see on boats. it means United States Ship
lets sail on the USS poseidon
by alex14 August 20, 2006
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The most powerful bomb. Opposite of atom bomb, but similar in power. While the Atom Bomb uses nuclear fission(a mass of material is assembled into a supercritical mass((a mass enough to start a nuclear chain reaction)). neutrons are then injected which causes the reaction and later the explosion).
hydrogen bombs instead use nuclear fusion,(joining of atoms to make heavier atoms.) then adding tritium, deuterium, or lithium deuteride, along with xrays and gamma rays from fission, making them thousands of times more powerful than atom bombs.yea.

(some of this info from www.wikipedia.org)
If you get hit by one of those you are screwed

Out of the 26,0000 nuclear bombs, the Russian Federation and the U.S own 96% of them. A lot of those are hydrogen bombs
by alex14 June 21, 2006
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a month with a nice temperature and everything but its when school starts :(
uh oh its almost september.. no more summer vacation
by alex14 August 20, 2006
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Republicans, and sadly democrats too, on this site. You guys need to grow up, there are people writing definitions of democrat as hippy communists who kill babies, and you are actually thumbs-upping it, just because u dont like democrats. that is sad. thumbs up real definitions of republican and democrat, dont go around looking at every single definition and thumbs upping it if it makes fun of people. remember either way its half of AMERICA your making fun of. we need both parties to debate on both sides of every issue to find a good solution, stop being so retarted
lol that says democrats are baby slaughterers! il thumbs up it! <--assholes would say that

lol all republicans want is oil!! <--assholes would say that
by alex14 August 20, 2006
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something that exists on europa and at area 51. Living things from another planet. Also people from a different country.Yea. but in 1960 there was a ufo crash (yes a lot of those videos are fake but some have yet to be proven wrong) in new mexico and a guy got some crazy footage, but the government took it all away and the guy mysteriously died (government killed him). Also an f16 in isreal chased one but the f16 vanished... also another case in which a pregnant lady claimed to have been abducted, and lost the baby and became not pregnant... then 8 years later she saw the daughter in a ufo. You cant make up losing your pregnancy. yea well anyway there are too many planets to not have there be life anywhere else. why do you think area 51 has a zone where if you pass it you get shot? and they have soldiers that blend in with the ground and mountains
Illegal aliens came to America.

Aliens from other planets have came in contact with humans.
by alex14 June 19, 2006
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Europa is one of Jupiter's moons and is thought to be the only other place in our solar system that could contain life. We are going to send another probe soon to prove that there really is an ocean under the surface, which most scientists think there is, and to see if there is frozen life inside the ice or microscopic things living in it. Maybe even normal earth sized fish
in 200 years maybe we will be able to swim at europa
by alex14 August 13, 2006
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