12 definitions by acetic


man that bitch righ there is huff.
by acetic November 13, 2003
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another name for cheap pizza ie. cardboard pizza. examples like totinos and other $1 pizzas.
by acetic August 30, 2003
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To Graffiti on something.. To use spraypaint and spray on a building.
by acetic November 7, 2003
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uncle loser

an uncle louie sized loser who has a big ass and a skinny weiner.
god your zuch a uncle looser! just leave!
by acetic August 19, 2003
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dish washing liquid

Mary's knockers. they are simply shaped like dishwashing liquid bottles.
hey guys are my tits shaped like dishwashing liquid bottles?
by acetic December 31, 2004
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fellas; your friends or people that you like. People you are often with and treat as close people to you.
Hey Jonny, I'd like you to meet some of my fellas.
by acetic November 25, 2003
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Shaun C

Pimptastic, or something ill that everyone likes or enjoys.
man i love your car that shit is shaun c!
by acetic August 26, 2003
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