13 definitions by ZonaCat Hansen

A cost effective marketing strategy where two or more companies represent the other firm's non-competing product in various promotions or through referrals.
At the networking mixer, Mary the wedding planner got together with Jason the videographer and mentioned to him how trying out some "piggyback marketing" could work out well for both of them.

i.e., "I'll put a link to your website on my site, if you'll put a link to my website on yours."
by ZonaCat Hansen October 29, 2010
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1. inordinate over-fascination with oneself; excessive self-love; vanity.
2. extreme preoccupation with and indulgence of one's feelings, desires, etc.; egoistic self-absorption.
3. Slang. a contemptibly naive, fatuous, foolish, or inconsequential person.
4. Psychoanalysis. delusional gratification derived from over-admiration of one's own imagined superior physical abilities, usually this solipsistic self-absorption syndrome is outgrown after adolescence, in rare cases will continue into adulthood.

1. fool, half-wit; imbecile; dolt, dunce, numskull, solipsist, egomaniac, diva, narcissist.

Origin: named after Michael Crabtree, a wide receiver drafted by the San Francisco 49ers as the 10th pick out of Texas Tech in the 2009 NFL Draft. Despite being offered a 20 million dollar contract, he has become the second-longest NFL rookie holdout in two decades.
The new actor on 'All My Children' was intent on getting paid the same pay as the show's highest paid actress, Susan Lucci. The producers of the long-running soap opera told the actor's agent, "Why is your client trying to be a 'Crabtree?' He is lucky to be given such a great opportunity!"
by ZonaCat Hansen September 24, 2009
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A public display of useless, excessive noise usually performed by a burly biker with a beer belly showing off his loud motorcycle in a public display of faux bravado or cheesy machismo.

Bikers who are proud to frequently let their motorcycles wind out are generally insecure and they feel that letting their motorcycles peel out will compensate for an undersized penis.

There are exceptions as sometimes on occasion, even a frail, young college boy will perform a "testosterone fart" to try to impress his friends or hot girls on campus.
The burly, bearded biker showed off his loud Harley as he revved the engine through the quiet town's main drag, as he sped away when the traffic light turned green. The small town folks were not amused.

The girl remarked, "That guy needs his muffler checked!"

The boy replied, "Nah, that was just some biker dude letting loose a 'testosterone fart.'"
by ZonaCat Hansen October 29, 2010
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An affliction that ails men entering middle age, usually evidenced by a swollen head that was not present in their teens or twenties. As best can be determined, SHS is caused by a lifetime of a diet high in animal fats and high sodium intake.
After watching William Shatner in "Star Trek" and John Travolta in "Welcome Back Kotter," then again seeing them both over twenty years later in "Boston Legal" and "Pulp Fiction," it was clear that both venerable actors suffered from Swollen Head Syndrome (SHS).
by ZonaCat Hansen July 11, 2008
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A pretentious, bohemian wanna-be, who frequents various coffee shops. He loves to spout his artiste-poseur opinions loudly in everyday conversation to anyone who will listen, so that his strong opinions can be heard by random strangers that he pines to impress. Almost always knows less than he tries so hard to convey. Usually has a laptop hooked up to wi-fi, yet rarely if ever touches the keyboard. Prefers to sit outside at the sidewalk table if possible so that he can be seen by as many cool locals as possible. Prides himself of being hip as evidenced by donning the latest trendy, hipster, hair-do. i.e., dreadlocks, shaved head, etc...
The "java-hipster" raved loudly to his nose-ringed buddies about the latest Johnny Depp film as the irritated cafe patrons feigned a yawn in his direction to show obvious annoyance at his pathetic attempts to be heard by all.
by ZonaCat Hansen July 11, 2008
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A person who values their time and hates having to go shopping. "In and out" is the only way they know how to shop, regardless of quantity of items. A power shopper might come across as aggressive and impatient, but they know what they want and where their items are, hence, they see no reason to stroll and dilly-dally and feign that they are thinking of what they want or need to buy.

Power shoppers are known to fill a grocery basket to half-full in under two-minutes. In stores with narrow aisles, they park their cart at the end of the aisle and jog into the aisle, get what they need and toss their items into their baskets from three feet away. They take great pride in always making the basket and never breaking any items.
The man ran his cart into Trader Joe's and began tossing bananas, bags of nuts, loaves of bread and a dozen Clif Bars into his cart. A slow-witted snowbird refused to step aside when he said "excuse me," so he spun around the woman like an NFL tailback, tossed his frozen veggies into his cart and headed back toward the cash register.

A senior citizen commented to her husband, "Did you see how rude that man was?"

The old husband commented, "Nah. He's not rude. He was polite. He said 'Excuse me.' The lady taking up the aisle... who didn't move, SHE was the rude one. I wish I was still young enough to be a 'power shopper,' in my day, I could power shop with the best of 'em.
by ZonaCat Hansen November 23, 2010
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Like a docudrama, a "docucomedy" is an accurate reenactment of a true-life story. However, for a filmmaker, a "docucomedy" is far more challenging than a docudrama as the comedic moments and funny dialogue peppered throughout "had to have really happened." i.e., They must be real and naturally occurring not fabricated.

Sometimes, the dry, fact-based, narrative of Detective Joe Friday (upon questioning a stoned hippie) in the TV police docudrama, "Dragnet," contained some elements of a "docucomedy."

Nonetheless, a "docucomedy" is not to be confused with the comedic mockumentary genre that includes films such as "Borat," "Spinal Tap" or "Mail Order Wife."
For people who truly believe that their life story is a full-on, human comedy or if they think that last year's vacation in China (looking for their future spouse) was a "non-stop, barrel of laughs," perhaps they should seriously consider making a "docucomedy."
by ZonaCat Hansen November 18, 2008
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