132 definitions by Zach

While gettting a girl from behind you pull your dick out and shove it in her ass. she makes a noise like the dolphin Flipper.
I gave that bitch the flipper and she cried.
by Zach March 8, 2005
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A phrase commonly used to scoff at some one or something; disbelief; A condescending interjection.
Mel: We're going to the movies, do you want to come?
Bruce: Pish-tosh!
by Zach May 31, 2004
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swimming term: used for when a male dives off the blocks and his tail end coems down too late, making his nuts hit the water with such force that it makes a smashing sound
guy: Damn man, that was one nasty walnut you did there
other guy: yeah man, I can feel it
by Zach December 15, 2004
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Tied for best metal band ever. Metallica doesnt owe Iron Maiden their careers concidering they started at the same time. Long Live Ed.
There was nothing good on the radio until finally someone played Iron Maiden. Now I can't get enough of their 874742 albums they made.
by Zach January 17, 2004
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skinheads are NOT NAZIS!!!! naziskins are called boneheads. skinheads are people who take pride in their working class heritage and often listen to oi, reggae, or ska. The Skinhead culture began in Jamaica, and was very closely tied to the Rude Boy culture. Some of the original Rude boys were also considered the original Skinheads.
by Zach November 4, 2004
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to hit your groin on somthing.
David racked himself.
by Zach April 11, 2003
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