58 definitions by ZOE

Abreviation of the popular file sharing program Kazaa Lite K Plus Plus (K++). A version of Kazaa without spyware but with added tools to help you download faster. Still available, you just have to look hard.
by ZOE January 18, 2005
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Comes from the word "chill". If you seperate the beginning and end of the word, you get chi-ll. The "chi" at the beginning is obviously where the chi of 'chi dubs' comes from. Then, you have the "-ll" end of the word "chill" since it is a double l, you just abbreviate this and simply call it dubs, a shortened verious of double. Combine the two and you get Chi-dubs.
What are you doin right now?
Eh, just chi dubs. you?
by ZOE March 30, 2005
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snorting cocaine

or it can also refer to a person...a skeeter(someone who snorts cocaine)
don't hang out with them they are skeeters.
by ZOE February 16, 2005
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A cotton/elastic belt that girls wear over the top of their jeans or skirts to hide their undergrowth. When worn as a 'boob tube' top it then becomes a "Boob-pube Protector".
Even with the pube protector on, Sally still had a few strays poking through.
by ZOE February 14, 2004
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So horrendously magnigicent that the fantasticality of the over all stupendosity is wretchedly indefinable.
Oh lord that girl's booty is Magnafantastical!!!
by ZOE April 10, 2005
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holy shidoody!!!
by ZOE June 13, 2004
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is the best sport in the world
and teh violence is just an added bonus
netminders rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by ZOE March 13, 2004
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