108 definitions by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx

An incredibly flexible light swear word in the English language. It can be used practically anywhere, anytime, and usually unlike hard swears like the F-bomb, the word shit isn't that vulgar, and is often used even in professional situations. It literally means feces, but it's come to be a word used to describe just about anything people don't like.
I'm tired of lugging all this shit back and fourth to school every day
Awww shit! I hit my head!
Oh come on, I stepped in dog shit.
You're a millionaire yet work at McDonalds? You're full of shit!
2020 was quite a shitty year
I forgot my phone, I locked myself out of the car, and I'm gonna be late to work. What a shit show!
I know you're lying to me! Cut the shit!
Holy shit that was a close call!
I know you're plotting to prank me again, you little shit.
I'm tired of all this shit going on at work!
Why would you do that? Shithead!
This guy at work is clueless, he really has shit for brains.
I don't want to work as a plumber. They constantly work in piles of shit.
Bullshit! I'm not doing any of that!
When someone tells me they're smart yet they don't know the 7 continents, I know they're telling a load of horseshit
People who accuse Alabamans of being inbred are basically shitting on the whole state and its people
That shit's cool, I want it.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx January 4, 2021
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It's NOT just a bunch of open fields and Mount Rushmore. There are several cities in the state, it's very mountainous in the West. South Dakota is probably tied with North Dakota for which state best fits the definition of "Great plains state". There are also lots of Indian reservations here too, about 1/3 of the state. Unlike Oklahoma, these tribes weren't forcefully moved here, they are the original people of the Dakotas. But best of all, in South Dakota, you can get a full drivers license at the very young age of 14. So if you're a 14 or 15 year old from New York who likes making fun of South Dakota, you really should be jealous of it.
South Dakota is not just open fields and Mount Rushmore. It's totally worth visiting.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx February 18, 2021
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Someone who rudely eats really loud, and doesn't respect basic manners. If you're a loud eater, you do these things.

1. Always eat and chew with your mouth wide open.
2. Talk while chewing.
3. Slurp whenever you drink a beverage.
4. Loudly bite your spoon or fork when using it.
5. Every time you open your mouth, loudly take a deep breath.

6. Get a good nice "ahhh" whenever you finish sipping your beverage
7. Burp at least a few times.
8. Lick your face and fingers to get all the food off it. Napkins are for losers.
9. Every time you put food in your mouth, loudly drop your silverware so it makes a "bang" on your plate.
10. If you're having soup, let plenty of it drip down into your bowl so it sounds like a nice waterfall.
If your date is a loud eater, it's probably a safe bet you don't want to go out with them again.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx February 1, 2021
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The treaty that was signed in 1920 which decided the fate of the now collapsing Ottoman Empire’s territories. It partitioned Anatolia between European colonial spheres of influence, newly created countries for ethnic minorities, and what remained of the fallen-from-glory Ottoman Empire. Was partially nullified by the Treaty of Lusanne later on, but generally succeeded in bringing down the Ottoman Empire and creating a modern and secular Turkish state.
The Treaty Of Sevres was the final treaty signed in regards to hostilities from the First World War, arguably bringing it to an end.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx June 29, 2020
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Period of your life when you’re aged 4 to 12. Something precious. You only get it once. It’s the best time of your life, but you don’t realize that until it’s over. You have almost no worries or responsibilities. The world goes easy on you. Most kids want to grow up because they’re naive and think that adulthood is a good thing.

Your childhood slips away, fast. It’s not a specific moment, but rather a gradual process lasting about 3-6 months. This happens around age 13 when your voice deepens and your nuts get bigger. This is the point you start realizing that being a teenager isn’t so great after all. But by that point, of course, it’s too late. Because congratulations, your childhood is gone for good and it’s never coming back. The closest thing you’ll get to childhood is watching your own kids grow up. You’ll tell them to enjoy it while they can but they’ll ignore that advice just like you ignored it from your parents. And then the cycle goes on.
Damn I wish I could get my childhood back, it’s so precious.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx October 14, 2020
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Intentional arson to one's own business or home in hopes of receiving insurance money for the damage. Usually done to a home or business that you are having no success selling and are just really desperate to retrieve home equity from. The practice can be prosecuted under numerous felonies, but rarely is, because it's very hard to prove you intentionally set fire to a building. Often times, some idiots pour gasoline all over their building in hopes of it burning faster, but that's the most common way people get caught for it. As soon as the cops and the fire department smell gasoline and see it everywhere, you're getting arrested for arson and attempted insurance fraud, and you won't get a penny from insurance.

The term is in reference to the fact that, prior to WW2, most Jewish businesses in Europe were boycotted, so they went out of business. Because they were out of business, and no one wanted to buy a Jewish business, the businesses and buildings were essentially worthless because no one would buy them. But because, on paper, the business and its building still had value, Jews would often intentionally set fire to their own businesses in hopes of getting insurance money from it, because that was the only practical way they could take back the equity value of their business.
Bob's convenience store went out of business, and then coincidentally burned down after he failed to sell it. He got a million dollars of insurance money.

Bob also wanted to move after this, but since his home wouldn't sell, he set fire to it to get insurance money. This time, however, Bob was impatient, so he poured gasoline all over his house. This was a bad decision, because as soon as the fire department and the cops got there, the smelled the Gasoline and knew it was Jewish lightning. He got arrested and convicted of arson and attempted insurance fraud and got sentenced to 5 years in prison. He also got no insurance money.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx January 15, 2021
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Someone who is descended from more than one race. All people are to some extent (5-10%) but this refers to people who aren’t more than 75% descended from a single race. Hispanic and Latino people are all descended of mixed Amerindian, African, and European ancestors.
Some multiracial terms

Mulatto: Mix of black and white (considered offensive by some)
Mestizo: A Hispanic person of mixed Native American and European blood
Métis: A non Hispanic person of mixed Native American and European blood
Hapa: A person of mixed Asian and European blood
Zambo: A person of mixed African and Native American blood
Pardo: Someone of mixed African, Native American, and European blood
Euronesian: someone of mixed European and Pacific Islander blood
Indo-White: Someone of mixed Indian and European blood
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx December 21, 2020
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