77 definitions by Xero _ Manifest

A natural repellent that certain females tend to excrete. It causes males to be driven away from said female, resulting in her lack of sex. Examples of penis repellent are but are not limited to: being but ugly, smelling like rancid pussy, or even if she is the sexiest person you've ever seen, she may be a total bitch. That alone qualifies as instant penis repellent
Rndm Guy: Look! I don't care how fucking sexy you may be, you need to drop that bitch attitude if you ever want to stop excreting penis repellent!!!!! *Sexy chick flashes tits* Rndm Guy: Your wish is my command...
by Xero _ Manifest January 19, 2011
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The type of piss someone takes after holding it in for hours, and failing to find a bathroom until right before they piss their pants. It's cosidered a miracle because that's the ony way to describe how that person could've made it to the restroom.
Anouncer: He's at the 40!! The 50!! Wait, where's he going? Folks it seems as if he's headed for the port-a-potties!! Wow!! Mid game, he must be going for a miracle wizz!!
by Xero _ Manifest December 1, 2010
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The conjunction of the words prostitue and hooker. Used to describe a girl who is slutyer than both a prostitue and a hooker, or used as a derogitory term to someone you don't like.
Ex. 1 "That Courtney is such a prostihooker, she probably spends most of her time on her knees." Ex.2 "Leave me alone you fucking prostihooker!!!!"
by Xero _ Manifest December 10, 2010
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When a guy is doing a girl doggy style and cums an her ass. The guy then procedes to rub his face in the girls cheeks, getting his cum smeared on his face giving him a glazed look.
Amanda: Josh and I hunny bunned yesterday. Michelle: Wtf is wrong with you Josh. Josh: Hey, I'll do what makes me happy!!!!
by Xero _ Manifest November 11, 2010
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When a person dies as a result of performing stupid stunts, or anything else that a someone of more common sense wouldn't do.
Guy 1: Did you here about that guy who died trying to resusitate a liger? Guy 2: Yeah, poor bastard, it tore his face right off, raped him, and then ate him. Guy 1: It's a shame really, just another death by self stupidity..
by Xero _ Manifest October 31, 2010
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Often abbreviated as M.M.S. A debilitating illness that strikes Mexican woman once they reach parenthood. Upon birth of the first child, the disease begins. Symptoms include: Gradually becoming shorter as time passes, rapid multiplication of children, ability to curse at their children using the most made up words ever conceived, extreme creativity when it comes to what to hit their kids with; ranging from a belt to something like a wooden spoon.
Unfortunately in the Mexican community, some women may contract Mexican Mom Syndrome at an age of anywhere after 13 years of age.
by Xero _ Manifest October 23, 2011
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An acronym that stands for unidentified fart noise.
Me: Hahaha, yeah that's funn... what the hell? Who the hell farted? Tony: Wasn't me. Alfonso: Shit, me either. Me: Fuck that!! I'm not gonna let it go as a UFN, one of you fuckers did it. Tony: It's a fucking fart, calm the hell down!!!
by Xero _ Manifest November 21, 2010
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