11 definitions by WindWaker68

1. In the 15th century, things the Catholic church sell to people to "forgive" them of sins. The Catholic Reformation banned the selling of them but they are still around. In short, a "get-out-of-hell free card."
1. Jimmy Jimmy bought an indulgence from a church official after commiting adultry.
by WindWaker68 October 27, 2003
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A series of video games about farming (yes farming), raising animals, raising a family, and just...living. It focuses on small-time living, making friends with villagers while making a profit from your farmland. Although sounding boring to most people, this genre has been known to be terribly addictive.
Jack owns every single Harvest Moon game, from its beginning days on the SNES to the newest one on the Gamecube.
by WindWaker68 May 25, 2004
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Belief started by John Calvin that God has already decided everything that happens beforehand and nothing we do can change it. To put it simply the absence of free will.
Jimmy-Jimmy tried to altar predestination by not going to school one day, but God already knew he planed to do it.
by WindWaker68 May 2, 2004
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The gas bacteria in the large intestine produce when feeding on your feces. It's what gives crap and farts their smell. The release of flatus is called flatulence.
John farted some stanky flatus after eating at Taco Bell.
by WindWaker68 April 7, 2004
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A light, one handed sword used mainly in fencing.
John grabbed his rapier and got into fencing form
by WindWaker68 April 6, 2004
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A trumpet-like instrument which has the same valve combinations and is played in the same way but produces a deeper sound with better tone.
Bob could play the trumpet and the flugelhorn; the flugelhorn sounded better on solos.
by WindWaker68 October 29, 2003
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