40 definitions by Whitney

When two or more condiments, such as ketchup and mustard, mix together while in a sandwich. Sorange almost always drips out of the end of the sandwich when a bite is taken.
Do I have any sorange on my face?
by Whitney June 24, 2003
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to be a bug-eyed creep..or teresa's mutant eye..
Caitlyn is a sedge becasue she took my shoes.

Teresa's eye is a sedge.
by Whitney April 11, 2005
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to be mean or to be a bug eyed creep.
Caitlyn is a sedge and stole my shoes.
by Whitney March 31, 2005
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Hey Mill whatz^ nmh cep writin this note to you on U.D. DUH!!!!!!!Well whats going on homie g doggie dog! I'm just watchin doggie fizzzle televizzle JK! Well maybe am, but it's all good! See ya l8a alligata loveya bunches!
by Whitney August 26, 2003
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to have money and spend it freely or like a baller
by Whitney March 20, 2005
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Someone who is well-liked by others. SOME can be snobby, but definitly not all! A lot are very nice and smart! Some are just plain sluts and think that they are the world. Popular people can be liked by there intelligence, looks, lack of intelligence, reputation, or being nice! Popular people are real people with real feelings and a real brain! The so-called "dumb" ones just act that way to be accepted by others.
Nice example: Whitney is very popular, because she is so nice!

Mean example: Leah is a slut! Thats why shes so popular!
by Whitney April 22, 2004
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One good-looking actor who recently played Peter in the family film, "Peter Pan." He also is in the CBS drama, "Clubhouse." Yes, he may only be 15, but dag yo.. he's one sexy beast. Even his lisp is hot.
No words or examples could truly define J-man.
by Whitney October 7, 2004
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