6 definitions by WRGATEXAN

The opposite of commander in chief. A president who has no idea what he’s doing or saying, and is being controlled by others. They’re a disaster when given a mic without a script. Signs executive orders without fully understanding their contents. Whenever you hear them speak, you lose IQ points.
It looks like our vegetable in chief really did it again. They really need to retire and stick to spending their own money.
by WRGATEXAN February 7, 2021
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I felt faintified after my dr gave me bad news about my hemorrhoids.
by WRGATEXAN February 7, 2021
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Verb - To impregnate. Present participle tense: inskeetinating
Past tense: inskeetinated
If a woman wants your baby, you’ll have to inskeetinate her. Have fun!
by WRGATEXAN February 4, 2021
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An outfit that when worn feels customized, giving the wearer extreme swagger and confidence.
When my girlfriend saw me in my dripfit, she immediately wanted to take me out to dinner then back to my place for sex.
by WRGATEXAN January 28, 2021
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Quarantine caused by the Corona virus, aka Covid-19. Identified by social distancing and masks.
Hey, I’m sorry I cannot come over today. I’m on ronatine, but I hope to be better soon!
by WRGATEXAN February 2, 2021
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Quarantine caused by Covid-19. Identifiable by social distancing and masks.
Hey, sorry I cannot come over today. I’m on covidtine. I hope to be better soon!
by WRGATEXAN February 2, 2021
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