94 definitions by Vita Smart

someone who descends from ishmael, the son of Abraham and his wife's egyptian slave called hagar.

eligible to marry and mate with any race except Israelites.

contemporary identification includes islamic, arabs, middle easterners, afghani, iraqi, iranian, american, and the like.

their skin color varies from dark to light and they manifest all eye colors.

they blend in with elamites, edomites, and various other races of people.

you can find them working at the gas station, the party store, at the club, and they are often chemists like chemical ali.

their hobbies include eating, drinking, making merry, building weapons like cain, fighting, yelling, arguing, calling women dogs, terrorizing people, crying, islam, and flying airplanes into the world trade center on september 11, 2001.

they're sweet, super sweet, syrupy sweet.

they will say that they don't eat pork.
"The ishmaelites make their arabic coffee with spices like cardamom, saffron, and sugar."
by Vita Smart July 31, 2022
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a greedy vagina that has had more than one penis inside of it
"That girl vagina was like a sharps container. I'm never going back in that one."
by Vita Smart July 18, 2022
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"I put on a used condom last night some other guy left at her house."
"What was the point of doing that?"
"There was no point. I just didn't want to rawdog it."
by Vita Smart July 27, 2022
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innocent, pure, true, clean, faithful, can do no wrong, never did any sin, never told any kind of lie, always honest, never killed, never did anything wrong, perfect, always perfect, purely perfect, purely one thing and not mixed or fooling around with anything else, not a skin color

no person that exists or ever existed on earth... ever

never to be confused with red, rednecks, or edomites
"I am white. I never did anything evil in my entire life."
by Vita Smart November 29, 2022
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a) male who would say anything just to have sex with anyone, male or female, and after they get the sex from that person they will then either

1) stop calling, or

2) proudly get married to the person, either after some time together or right away, or

3) keeps calling back for more sex until he gets sick of that or finds a new orifice to insert himself into like an electrical outlet

b) male who is not in control of his own household

c) a man who would literally say or do anything, he approves of anything and everything, he will believe in anything, he would believe in nothing, he has no standards, he would do anything just to get sex out of a woman or from a man

d) sitting home crying by the phone ass men who wonder "why won't she or he call me I thought we were in love", "we could be so good together", "we would make a great ass couple", "why she don't want me", "I know she wants me"

e) sitting home plotting on another orifice man talmbout "I bet you she gon' let me hit it y'all, watch, look, she goin for it"

f) submissive male who enjoys being used, abused, brought to the edge of death, and dominated

g) male simpleton, a man who literally does not care

h) men who change themselves for sex

i) men who see any person in whom they have any sexual or romantic interest, as their prize
Man: "I'm a strict buddhist. I don't believe in killing anything. I'm a pacifist. I hate guns. I went vegan. I workout every day. I love working out. I just lost that last 10 pounds. I was working real hard on that. Look at my thighs."

Woman: "I love meat. I'm a christian. I believe in Jesus and my 9 millimeter handguns. I think it's perfectly fine to kill someone if that's what the mood called for me to do. I don't workout. I like to watch tv and eat bacon all day long. I'm 100 pounds overweight."

Man: "Wow. I like meat too. I was just telling my friend the other day that I was considering the church. I hate working out. Let's get some bacon, a steak, crab legs for dinner so we can watch netflix, and chill together. And I want extra butter on the popcorn"

Woman: "Sounds great. Meet you at 10pm. Bring the food and your password. Simp." rolls her eyes.

Man: "Yeah, I know I'm a simp. That is kinda fucked up but what can I say I want some pussy real bad. It's been a long time." except he would never actually say that to her at all and it's up to her to see through all of that or else help him end up as an overweight, unhealthy man who doesn't keep up his own standards, a hypocrite.
by Vita Smart July 17, 2022
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cheeky monkeys
little monkeys
"I had some white people over to my house for dinner. NEVER. AGAIN. I will never do that shit again. I don't know what I was thinking."
by Vita Smart August 14, 2022
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Black, Hispanic, and Native American people whose Fathers were legally enslaved in america (the new egypt).

A Nation not desired.

A Nation of People whose Fathers were deemed as 3/5 of a man, less than a man, not a man.

A group of People whose Fathers were forced to eat foods that were unlawful for them to eat under the laws of GOD given to Moses in the mountain.

A People whose Fathers were taken captive by their enemies and forced to work in exchange for a shack, unlawful food, and water.

A People whose Fathers were talked down to and treated as "less than" all other men on earth.

A People whose Fathers were forced to watch or get out of the room while their own wives were raped or fornicated with by their enemy, master.

People whose Fathers lands were won by their enemies in a series of bar fights called wars because their enemy is not classy.

A People whose Fathers were given as gifts to other people in the antebellum united states.

A People whose Fathers are scattered all over the globe claiming to be other nations of people, for example, americans, hispanics, or puerto rican.

People whose Fathers continue to be legally enslaved employees in america and in other countries.

A group of people whose Fathers have been swallowed up by their enemies.

A People group whose Fathers were brought to america in the bottom of huge ships to work for free.

A group of People whose Fathers watched helplessly as their daughters were defiled and abused by men.
Man: "My daddy is an Israelite"

Woman: "My daddy is an Israelite, too"

Man: "That means that, under the law of Moses, we can get married to each other. Do you want to marry me?"

Woman: "Sure."
by Vita Smart July 15, 2022
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