16 definitions by Viktor II

A game friends play behind an unknowing woman's back.

How to play:

Both men seduce the same woman within a relatively short time frame (preferably not on the same night - no one likes sloppy seconds). The act of copulation is performed by each man, with ejaculation occurring within the lucky woman's vagina. 9 months later, the friends determine who the baby looks like. Winner gets 18 years of financial and emotional distress.
Buddy 1: that girl is hot, and sources tell me she's good to go.
Buddy 2: wanna play Who Does It Look Like?
Buddy 1: you know i do!
Buddy 2: I hope it looks like you.
by Viktor II August 22, 2007
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In internet chatting, when you use two (or more) emoticons to express a more complicated emotion for which there is no pre-established emoticon this is an emoticombo. They are subjective (no actual right or wrong) and are all in the eye of the composer and recipient.
:'( :) = i miss you

:-o :-/ x-( = why the hell did you tell me that, you're my sister

B-) :D = i'm so awesome and smug about my awesomeness

:-| :-( x-( :-( :-| = i'm tired and don't want to be at work

(just some of the endless possibilities for emoticombos - also, they look weird in italics)

Note: these examples were designed specifically for Gchatters.
by Viktor II August 22, 2007
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To take a shit the day after you have consumed an unhealthy about of chicken wings and beer the night before during Wing Night. Usually said shit is of the hot red variety, and leads to a very uncomfortable anal region.
Wing Eater 1: i have yet to de-wing; i'm worried.
Wing Eater 2: i de-winged an hour ago and i still can't sit down.
Wing Eater 1: jeez, yeah, what an awesome wing night!
by Viktor II August 22, 2007
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The Curse of Ronan Tynan refers to the coincidence that the the New York Yankees have not won the World Series since they began regularly hiring Tynan to perform God Bless America after the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Legend has it that the Curse curses the team for bringing religion into baseball and exploiting the nation's tragedy to promote the baseball team. Apparently, the Yankees organization has been punished by supernatural forces that have prevented a World Series Championship to return to New York until the organization separates, again, religion from baseball, terrorist attacks from a sporting franchise. Since the Curse of the Bambino fell in 2004, this curse is the most widely accepted baseball curse outside the Curse of the Billy Goat which supposedly curses the Chicago Cubs.
a-rod sucks! he's only contributing to the Curse of Ronan Tynan.
by Viktor II October 9, 2007
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A summer retreat in Casco Bay, Maine. Those who know it cherish it; those who do not are to be pitied.
A gathering at Adamhof is in order to quell our uneasiness of the impending winter's doom.
by Viktor II August 23, 2007
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after i bowl a strike, i feel as light as air, and i know the rest of the day is going to be a-okay.
by Viktor II August 22, 2007
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1. (verb) To play excessively uninteresting and self-indulgent guitar solos, usually live on stage, and usually to the collective eye-roll of all in attendance except those who actually fall for wankery.

2. (noun) The offending guitarist.
Music Lover 1: oh man this guitarist sucks! he's just wanking up there. don't the other guys in the band care that he totally fucking sucks?
Music Lover 2: no idea, man, i have no idea how this gets on stage. what a frickin wank that guy is.
by Viktor II August 22, 2007
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