18 definitions by Vash

its a fucking stupd program that freezes up on you all the tme and causes so many errors...but also a place where you can meet freat people and play with them too but other than that its jus shiat
"sorry bout that..stupid gamespy froze up"
"im gonna kill the people who made gamespy so friken homo"
by Vash July 11, 2003
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Set of the five most-said words by a Bender robot (Futurama). Other members of the top 10 include chumps, chumpettes, and pimpmobile.
Kiss my shiny metal ass.
by Vash September 25, 2004
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Man, this is so spammish.
How can I read this? It is so spammish.
by Vash August 2, 2003
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schang!!1! a crazy word ^_^ it's funny too!
I schanged your mom.
Schang you.
Schang! I broke a nail.
by Vash February 19, 2005
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Another place for losers to listen to repetitious music, while the nice, sensative guys that girls claim to want sit at home in the dark, silently weeping. "Bitter, Me?"
I am not at all bitter about not ever going to prom.
by Vash September 14, 2003
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A term used by Vash, Ultra Cookies
E-kookies can kill someone.
by Vash July 25, 2003
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