391 definitions by VAKI5

To be out of options or alternative courses of action; to be stuck in a bad situation.

A 'rope' is thrown to someone who is in a difficult place, such as deep water or the edge of a cliff. If there is not enough rope, the person might be in trouble. So to be 'at the end of your rope' means that there is no more help available, and the situation is not good.

Synonyms: in a jam, at wit's end
I'm at the end of my rope -- I lost my job, my car died, and I don't have any money in the bank.
by VAKI5 May 10, 2005
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Something that is shocking or surprising to see.

The phrase comes from the idea that when people see things that are powerfully attractive or unusual, their eyes seem to pop out of their head.
1) You should see Magic Brian's eye-popping new juggling trick.

2) We made an eye-popping Web site for our new client.
by VAKI5 May 11, 2005
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Homeside, home, hood...
CASA!Moi amigo, ete!
by VAKI5 November 15, 2003
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One's favorite person; the one you love most.

In Old English, the pupil of the eye (the round, dark center) was called the 'apple'. It was thought that the pupil was a round object much like an apple (a piece of fruit). When you look at someone, their reflection appears in your pupil. So if someone is the 'apple of your eye', he or she is someone that you look at a lot and enjoy seeing.
1) Miranda is the apple of my eye - I love her more than anything on earth.

2) Her granddaughter is the apple of her eye.
by VAKI5 May 10, 2005
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Yeahhh! Wollie!
by VAKI5 August 20, 2003
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(v) Having sexual intercourse.
"Cause a nigga like me'll lay plenty of pipe" -- Ice Cube (I'm only out for one thang).
by VAKI5 October 23, 2003
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