15 definitions by Urbandictionary      

The word “Lxck” was created by a popular youtube star that goes by Lxck, The definition of it is that he is a lucky person is super lucky to be were he’s at. So he came up with Luck when he was 15 years old he became very depressed and found a passion for XXXTENTACION the rapper & his music helped Luck express his feelings and escape the depression so then he went on and Put a x onto Luck to make Lxck to show his appreciation to his favorite artist.
Lxck is a goat,

That boy Lxck is my favorite youtuber
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When you have group sex with some or all members of a band or group.
Molly: I was gangband ed by Michael, Ashton, Andy , Oli, Kellin, Kurt and Dave.
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The liquid that ejects from the male's penis/dick. This liquid is usually in a white color, and carries sperm. (Also know as ejaculation) After a while of ejecting the liquid into the female's vagina the sperm will fertilize the ovum and soon create a baby.
The man stuck his penis inside of her.
She moaned and felt a liquid enter her vagina.
Girl: What are you doing? (Just lost virginity) ((((lel))))
Guy: Cumming in you, why?
Girl: It feels good
Guy: great
He continues to ejaculate inside of her vagina.
Girl: in hospital having baby*
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when a man is masturbating and all of a sudden lots of cum just spurts out.
mate: " oh mate yesterday when I was masturbating the floodgates just opened, there was cum everywhere!"

you: " okay......"
by Urbandictionary       November 23, 2012
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When the male reproductive organ enters the (Or a) female's vagina.
Guy: That was an awesome night last night with her.
Guy #2: Why?
Guy: Me and her had sex.
Guy #2: Awesome, so did I.
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Hansom. Derived from the American Indian phrase "Som Han" translated "He who stores his head in chiefs ass". This roughly means a 'kiss up' or 'brown noser'. Typically a hansom will go to any legnths to impress a superior. Sexual favors (most commonly male to male) are common.
You sir are an boss' hansom!
by Urbandictionary       March 22, 2005
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A sweet caring guy who will look after you and protect you always
by Urbandictionary       February 24, 2005
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