37 definitions by Tuna Wanda

A national organization for bull dykes, diesel dykes, and radical feminists.
Don't open that door for me, you vile pig! I belong to NOW!
by Tuna Wanda May 21, 2005
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A Mexican. A person of Mexican heritage living in the USA.
Rachel, I'd like you to meet Rico, my favorite taco bender.
by Tuna Wanda May 14, 2005
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A sheep. A person without any self-identification or thoughts of her own. A person who does what the crowd is doing, out of insecurity and immaturity. A person who looks like everyone else because of an immature fear of being himself.
When you interview people for this job, be sure to weed out all the trendy people. I want someone who will work, not look in the mirror all day.
by Tuna Wanda May 26, 2005
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adj. Following the crowd, just like a mindless sheep.

noun. A mindless sheep who follows the crowd. Never, ever thinks. Never strives to be a unique individual. Someone who is not a leader, but a follower.
It's trendy to get a tattoo, so Lisa got a tattoo. It's trendy to eat deep fried Twinkies, so Mona eats deep fried Twinkies. It's trendy to become a poofter, so Lennie decided to become a poofter. It's trendy for effeminate guys to drive chick cars, so Brian drives a chick car. All of these people are trendy.
by Tuna Wanda May 28, 2005
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Another word for Portagee. (Both noun and adjective.)
Portuguese soup is a culinary delight. Eat some today!
by Tuna Wanda May 14, 2005
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A bra. Especially one for floppers or wobblyfloppers.
Sweetheart, let's go in here. I have to buy a new flopper stopper.
by Tuna Wanda May 21, 2005
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A Russian person. A person of Russian descent.

The term is affectionate, not disparaging.
Igor the Ruskie is coming over to play chess this afternoon. Would you like a game with him.
by Tuna Wanda May 14, 2005
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