43 definitions by Trent

a word used to define ones politeness to a woman in the south.
by Trent April 20, 2004
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Street slang for a large eggwhite omlet...
"Yo, for $15 I'll sell you some tight ass pookie...."
by Trent December 16, 2003
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My mom's mom's mom's mom's grand grand grand son.
Lego my egonomics, bitch.
by Trent August 10, 2003
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used as a 'put down' when directed at any individual,group or suggestion by an individual. Is always said with a blank faced expression and a monotone voice to indicate your utter contempt and disdain for someones suggestion or action.
a)person A: Hi, can i sit here?
person B: no mate

b)Person A: Oh, here comes Trent,
Person B: Yeah, hes such a 'nomate'

by Trent September 25, 2003
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That movie was so schlagg!
by Trent December 10, 2004
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1) A person who is truly annoying and doesn't seem to realize it.
2) One who has many friends that are girls but none want to go out with him.
3) A shortened version of school fag.
Henry is such a schlagg.
by Trent December 7, 2004
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