12 definitions by Topamonster

1.A dance in wich you spin around in circles while alternating your feet to the beat of SKA music.
2.a really trashy chick who is either un-clean, slutty, or both.
1. dude last night at the aquabats concert i skanked til i fell over in pain.
2.dude, your mom is such a skank.
by Topamonster May 6, 2005
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sadism and massicism- the act of using whips and chains to fllfill your sexual desires.
dude, i knew andrew's mom was into s and m...
by Topamonster May 4, 2005
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1.A dime is 5 grams of weed.
dudes...whoever told you a dime was less than a gram of weed is stupid.
by Topamonster May 6, 2005
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an anti psychotic that if you take makes you space out for days. you'll be sitting there and repeating shit all day.
damniel! i know you ron the topomax cuz your repeating yourself....
by Topamonster May 4, 2005
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the feeling you get when your high from taking topomax.
dude, josh is turning in to the topamonster..this should be good...
by Topamonster May 2, 2005
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computer launguage for uhhhh.
computer: ERR: Can You Fly??
Seki-timewalker:dammit...yes! for the last time YES!!!
by Topamonster May 10, 2005
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The single most talented band to come out in the last ten years. cut down in thier prime due to an O.D. even today over ten years later the continue to be played almost daily on the radio.

C.D.s 40 oZ. to Freedom, Robbin Tha Hood, Second-hand Smoke, Bradley Noel & friends: Sublime Acoustic, Stand by Your Van, and last but certainly not least Sublime Self-Titled.
Sublime kicks so much ass, R.I.P. Brad.
by Topamonster January 16, 2006
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