10 definitions by Tim XYZ

A mouse that you haven't given a name to yet.
A: Here's my pet mouse.
B: Aww, cute. What's its name?
A: Dunno yet.
B: Ah, an anonymouse.
by Tim XYZ November 9, 2003
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Parental Guidence - A recommendation for a movie which might be 'frightening' to people under the age of 15. 15? more like 6 or 5.
by Tim XYZ October 27, 2003
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Something Mario says on some Super Mario Go-Fish game on the PC. Makes me laugh *shrug*
Some might say he his fishing for some stereotypical Italian men.
by Tim XYZ November 2, 2003
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A board game where, instead of buying property in London, you buy property in the ghetto areas of America. Some of the pieces you can use include a shopping trolley, a brick and a man with a knife.
Dang, boy! Let's play some ghettopoly, fo' sho'!
by Tim XYZ October 24, 2003
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My pussy got wet in the rain! Gotta dry her fur!
by Tim XYZ October 27, 2003
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Someone you hate who hates you back.
A: Be quiet, enemy.
B: I'm the who now?
A: 'lo C.
C: 'lo A.
by Tim XYZ October 24, 2003
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Slow of mind, unintelligent, mentally distorted, confused, stupified, numb-in-the-head.
The retarded child ate my plastic spoon.
by Tim XYZ October 27, 2003
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