25 definitions by TheHitchhikersGuide2TheGalaxy

Some random word I made up that I say to my family all the time.
Me: “Tamatal, tamatal, tamatal”
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Guy 1: So I asked her if she wanted to bump uglies and then she head butted me

Guy 2: Haha!

Guy 3: LOL

Guy 4: LALE
by TheHitchhikersGuide2TheGalaxy January 21, 2020
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Guy 1: So I asked her if she wanted to bump uglies and then she head butted me

Guy 2: Haha!

Guy 3: LOL

Guy 4: LALE
by TheHitchhikersGuide2TheGalaxy January 21, 2020
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Similar to teabag, but with a woman’s breasts, instead of a man’s testicles
“and she was just riding me, but then she suddenly leans over and starts beanbagging me right in the face!”
by TheHitchhikersGuide2TheGalaxy January 22, 2020
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Like Trump, but more successful and more manipulative. He undid the new deal, decimating the middle class and regressing America to the gilded age of the 1890s. Like Trump, he was ultra conservative and a spearhead of the ideals of corporatocracy and American oligarchy.
Ronald Reagan was anti union. I don’t trust anyone who is anti union. ~Me
by TheHitchhikersGuide2TheGalaxy October 22, 2021
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A communist country is a country where everything is publicly owned and distributed equally to all citizens. A cummunist country is a country that claims to be communist but has nothing to do with communism
Examples of cummunist countries are most modern day “Marxist” republics, including China, North Korea, and Vietnam.
by TheHitchhikersGuide2TheGalaxy February 19, 2021
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What someone who hates Green Day says/thinks when they hear Green Day
Guy who likes Green Day “Do you even know who this is?”

Guy who hates Green Day “A guy singing in a fake English accent!”
by TheHitchhikersGuide2TheGalaxy September 14, 2020
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