11 definitions by TheGreenAngle

When a man has good sex and his ballsack hangs way down low after orgasm.
I had such great sex, now I got that Boingal Doingle!
by TheGreenAngle January 19, 2022
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When you make a large long turd and it cracks in half before it exits your asshole.
I still have a piece of shit in my ass because it was a logoff.
by TheGreenAngle August 16, 2021
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Look at that chingcanas baroombas! Baroomba Rama in mexico.
by TheGreenAngle November 23, 2020
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A small, slick, greasy sicilian man.
Uncle Joe is a dagoreeno!
by TheGreenAngle August 16, 2021
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A baby shit, that looks like dark mustard.
Ben made a plotchmanns in his diaper.
by TheGreenAngle August 16, 2021
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When you having sex and you are inside a woman and your penis is getting soft.
I was having sex with her, but my dork turned into dicksquik
by TheGreenAngle August 16, 2021
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When Neil Patrick Harris (Doogie Howser) pushes a turd in a gay man's mouth while hes getting a rim job.
Harris's husband has a Doogleman in his mouth.
by TheGreenAngle August 16, 2021
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